
Ransel Kecil T-Shirt


Ransel Kecil T-shirt

In collaboration with Ransel Kecil, we are going to produce these T-shirts that can become your pride and joy when traveling :)

Who is Ransel Kecil? It is a collaborative blog on travel planning tips and reports. This blog is independently run, so they wanted to give a token of appreciation to their contributors (yes, those who made the nice articles in Ransel Kecil). Additionally, with their outstanding traffic increase as more and more people are interested with their website, they will also need more resources to keep their website going. What else could be better to help them and to own a piece of that good stuff along the way.

This T-shirt will feature a quote from the legendary traveller Paul Theroux, and the Ransel Kecil logo on the back. And as with all of the T-shirts we produced, they will be treated with the utmost quality and our production standards. All the details on how to order are available from Ransel Kecil’s website.

So what are you waiting for? Order one now, and take it with you on your next trip.